London Private Equity Recruiting: How to Conquer the Process and Win Offers

We’ve previously covered the private equity recruitment process in the U.S. – both the on-cycle and off-cycle versions.
The on-cycle version in the U.S. is a fast and fairly insane way to recruit for a job, particularly if you want time to think about the job before you start working.
I had never thought about covering European recruiting because I didn’t think there was much of a “process” there.
But that’s not quite the case.
It is more flexible and slower-moving than the U.S. on-cycle process, but there are recruiting windows and timelines.
To get the full story, I recently spoke with a reader who went through the process in London, won a private equity offer, and has now interviewed candidates for these roles:
London Private Equity Recruiting: Key Differences, Headhunters, and Candidates
Q: Can you start by telling us some of the key differences in the European process compared with the one in the U.S.?
A: Sure. First, to be clear, I will focus on the process in London for entry-level hiring (i.e., for Associate roles).
There may be differences in the continental European countries and smaller financial centers, and I would assume that the process is even less structured there.
In short, IB Analysts here leave for private equity after one (1) year on the job at the earliest, and it’s most common to have at least 18 months of full-time work experience.
Some Analysts may also stay in banking for closer to ~4 years and get promoted to the Associate level before moving into PE.
Instead of interviewing 1-2 years in advance, they tend to interview 3-4 months before the PE job begins.
The key “windows” are September – early December and January – April, and the recruiting process within those windows might take anywhere from 3 days up to 4-6 weeks, or longer. There are also opportunities outside these windows (more so than in the U.S.).
Headhunters are equally as important here, and you need to build relationships with them as well.
PE firms still recruit primarily from bulge bracket and well-known elite boutique banks, but it is possible to break in from a smaller firm, as in the U.S.; they’re also slightly more open to candidates from unconventional backgrounds.
Q: To clarify, you’re saying that the on-cycle process in which you interview for the job 1-2 years in advance does not exist in London?
A: Apart from 1-2 exceptions in the market, this is correct: it does not exist in the same way.
European funds understand the major problem with that approach: if you give someone a job offer 1-2 years before they start, they won’t be motivated to gain experience and improve their skills in the time in between.
Also, it’s too difficult to assess candidates with limited knowledge and deal experience. There’s less pressure related to the timing of MBA programs here as well.
Quite a few larger firms here have Private Equity Analyst programs for students right out of university, but that’s different from the IB to PE transition.
Q: You mentioned that headhunters are nonetheless still very important in London. Why?
A: As in the U.S., headhunters contact Analysts in specific groups at the large banks, but you can also reach out to them as a candidate.
Some headhunters even get to know students before they graduate, and it’s common to get referrals from candidates who know the younger students.
And as a university student or recent graduate here, it helps to get headhunter referrals from alumni who have already been through the process.
It’s crucial to keep the dialogue open and check in every month – or even up to twice a week if things heat up.
Recruiters look for the same qualities they do anywhere else: great communication skills, a well-defined set of firms and strategies you want to pursue (including names of specific, potential funds), and solid deal experience.
Q: What are some of the top London private equity recruiters?
A: Some of the top firms, among others, for London-based roles are KEA Consultants, Blackwood, Dartmouth Partners, PER (“Private Equity Recruitment”), Walker Hamill, and Altus.
Several divisions of well-known U.S.-based recruiting firms are also active here.
KEA Consultants, Dartmouth Partners, and Blackwood handle most of the mega-fund PE recruiting in London, but some other diversified recruiting firms and boutique firms also have great relationships.
Funds generally ask recruiters to “rank” candidates by tier, and the highest ranks can occasionally be recommended for an accelerated process.
Q: On that note, which types of candidates are competitive for PE roles in London?
A: The criteria are similar to the list in the U.S.: your bank, group, deal experience, university, personality/cultural fit, extracurricular activities, and academic results all matter a lot.
One difference is that the banks have slightly different reputations in Europe – for example, Rothschild is viewed as closer to an elite boutique here, so your chances of winning a PE role coming from Rothschild are higher.
Your deal experience also matters more because you’ll actually have legitimate deal experience by the time you recruit for PE roles!
Anecdotally, it seems like more consultants get into private equity here, and some firms even target 50% consultants and 50% bankers; most of the consulting hires come from the top three firms (“MBB” or McKinsey, Bain, and BCG).
In terms of industry and product groups, any industry team with good deal flow works, but M&A and Leveraged Finance have an advantage over ECM and DCM (as usual).
If you’re worried about getting pigeonholed because you work in a group like FIG or Oil & Gas, it depends on your bank’s reputation and how well you can spin your experience.
If you’re in FIG at a top bank, such as GS, MS, or Evercore, you can probably recruit for non-FIG PE roles.
But if you’re at a lower-tier firm, it will be harder to move from a specialized group into a generalist PE role.
If you have experience with deals involving standard, EBITDA-driven businesses, that can also help your case.
Finally, as with investment banking recruiting, languages are important in private equity here.
If a firm is interviewing two candidates with similar profiles who perform equally well, they’ll almost always pick the one who knows the more useful European language(s). Certain teams also recruit for specific language requirements from the start of the process.
London Private Equity Recruiting: Interviews and Case Studies
Q: Thanks for explaining that. You described the typical start dates for the recruiting process and the time it normally takes, but what about the process itself?
For example, do firms start by giving you a case study or modeling test, or do they save it for a later step?
A: Round 1 usually consists of a coffee chat or a similar, informal conversion.
In Round 2, they’ll usually give you a 1-hour modeling test where you have to build a relatively simple LBO model from scratch (e.g., one on a cash-free debt-free basis) or complete an existing template.
You might also take aptitude tests similar to the ones given at assessment centers.
In Round 3, you’ll go through multiple interviews with professionals at different levels, such as VPs, Principals, and Senior Associates. They’ll test a mix of technical, fit, and deal experience questions.
In Round 4, a few more people will join in and ask similar questions to “plug the gaps.”
Next – in Round 5 – you’ll get a case study with an information memorandum or other materials, and you’ll have to complete a model and make an investment recommendation.
You might have anywhere from 12 hours to a few days to work on it and present your findings.
If you pass this case study, you’ll start meeting the firm’s Partners in 1-on-1 interviews; you might also meet for lunch or drinks.
In the COVID era, I have heard that this entire process takes place over Zoom. I’ve also heard that firms tried “socially distanced walks” for a while (before the restrictions removed that possibility).
Q: We’ve covered private equity interviews extensively before, but what advice would you give about case studies? Are there any differences for London private equity firms?
A: The case study is the most frequent eliminator of candidates here.
In many cases, we get models that are mechanically correct, but which have wildly unrealistic assumptions, such as 10x EBITDA growth over ~5 years for a mature company.
You need to show your investment judgment and knowledge of the business – and you have to think through reasonable numbers in different scenarios and support them with data.
Candidates tend to get lost in small details that don’t even affect the recommendation rather than evaluating the business, market, and value creation levers (for more, see our coverage of private equity value creation).
There’s also a massive difference in “case study quality” among different candidates – far more than with their responses to interview questions.
So, my advice is to practice not just the financial modeling but also your skills in business evaluation, using companies and industries you’re interested in.
Unlike the rushed U.S. on-cycle process, you can take your time and get more practice here – so there’s no excuse to be underprepared.
Q: Some candidates also struggle with deal discussions, and some IB Analysts enter the process without having closed any deals.
How important are closed transactions?
A: They help, but they’re not the most important part of your profile; interviewers just want to see that you’ve worked on entire deals from start to finish.
They know that if a deal makes it 95% of the way but then falls apart at the last minute, it had nothing to do with the junior team.
If you’ve only worked on pitches, that could be a problem – especially if you’re recruiting after a few years on the job.
But if you’ve had real deal experience, you can prepare using the points suggested on this site before:
- What does the business do at a high level?
- What are its financial stats?
- What are the investment highlights and risks?
- How did you build the model, and what were the key drivers?
- How did you contribute to the deal?
- If you had been the buyer or investor, would you have done the deal?
London Private Equity Recruiting: Plan B Options and Other Tips
Q: One common complaint about the U.S. on-cycle process is that you can’t do much to improve your chances because your fate depends heavily on your university and current bank.
Is this also true of the process in London?
A: You can do a bit more to improve your chances here, such as networking with headhunters early on and getting referrals from contacts at other banks.
Also, since you could potentially recruit for PE any time within 1-4 years of your start date, you have a lot of time to gain better deal experience and improve your technical skills.
There are still some limits because your bank’s reputation and university’s quality do factor in, but it’s not quite as deterministic as the U.S. on-cycle process.
Q: If you go through this entire process but do not receive an offer, what should your next steps be?
A: It depends on why you did not receive an offer.
If you didn’t win enough interviews because your bank’s reputation wasn’t good enough, interview around and move to a larger bank as a lateral hire.
If your university wasn’t good enough, consider a Master’s in Finance or a similar program at a top university.
If you didn’t have good enough deal experience, wait a year, work on more deals, and apply again.
It’s not “one shot and you’re done” here – that could happen only if you’ve interviewed with every private equity firm in London and been rejected everywhere, which is almost impossible.
Some people even apply to the same firm twice and win an offer the second time around, if their profile has changed for the better.
The industry tries to push for a diverse range of backgrounds, so the issue might also be related to not “selling yourself” effectively.
Finally, remember that there is a lot of luck involved as well, so don’t draw hasty conclusions from only a few interviews.
Q: Do you have any additional tips or points that we haven’t covered?
A: Yes. First, seek out mentors who have been through the process. People message me for advice on LinkedIn all the time, and I try to respond to everyone I can.
Also, you need to treat private equity recruiting like a second full-time job.
That’s the biggest difference between candidates who succeed and ones who do not: treating recruiting like a full-time job vs. a hobby.
You might occasionally get lucky with the “hobbyist” approach, but if you want to maximize your chances of success, you need to use the “full-time job” approach.
Q: Great. Thanks for your time and for sharing all these tips!
A: My pleasure.
Want More?
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- Off-Cycle Private Equity Recruiting: How to Win Middle-Market Private Equity Offers
- What to Expect in Real Estate Private Equity in London When You Join Right Out of Undergrad
- Private Equity Value Creation: Equally Viable Alternative to PE Deal Teams?
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Hi Brian and Team,
Appreciate the helpful article as always. A few of my friends and I had a similar question and would appreciate your thoughts. We are currently working at a MM investment banking shop in the US in a top group at the bank. Due to visa complications in the U.S. we are thinking of pursuing further education (MBA) in Europe and recruit for PE in London. Is that something which is possible? The reason why we are unsure is because we know that if we don’t have PE experience in the US before the MBA then getting PE after the MBA is an uphill battle. We were curious if it is the same in London.
You generally do not want to aim for post-MBA PE roles without pre-MBA PE experience because you’ll be competing against people who do have that experience. It is slightly more plausible to do this in London because the recruiting process is less structured, but it’s still not a great idea in most cases unless you have no other options and need to leave ASAP for visa reasons.
Also, MBA recruiting in Europe in general is underdeveloped vs. the U.S., so PE firms there are unlikely to hire as many people out of the top programs.
So, this is not necessarily a terrible idea but also not something I would recommend.
Do you have any recommendations for mid-market PE recruiters in London? What are you thoughts on the chances to move from a regional PE fund to a London one after about 2 years of regional experience and no pre-existing network in London?
I do not have a list, sorry, as we do not closely track PE recruiters in London. Moving from a regional PE fund to a London-based one depends heavily on where you worked and the fund sizes. If you worked in Paris or Frankfurt at a mid-sized firm, OK, sure, but if it was in a much smaller country or a smaller fund, that would be more difficult.
Thank you for the insightful article. For someone with 14 years experience in M&A focusing on niche industry sector, is it hard to start with PE.
I think it will be very difficult to go from “niche M&A” to PE if you’ve already spent 14 years working in M&A. PE firms tend to hire at the junior levels or the senior levels, but not much in between. So your best bet might be to reach the Partner/MD/equivalent level, if you’re not already there, and then aim for PE firms by pitching your contacts and deal experience and focusing on firms that operate in industries similar to yours.
So if I somehow manage to get into Rothschild IBD (M&A) from a non-target and later on have a great deal of experience of 2-3 years, will still the non-target university factor hamper my MF PE recruiting
I think you should focus on getting into a top university and winning the initial internships before planning out your future 5-6 years in advance. You might not even be interested in these fields by then. But to answer your question, attending a non-target university is a bit less of a problem in the U.K., but yes, it could still come up in recruiting even for PE roles following banking.
Hands down, Brian!! You’re genuinely a piece of gem. How did you figure out my current situation (i.e. I’m planning my future for 5-6 years). You’ve my respect buddy
Hi Brain, thanks for your article, very helpful.
I’m currently doing Investor relations in a European private credit fund in London. Unlike traditional IR, I am responsible for quite a number of financial models for the fund’s projections. Basically I believe I have the technical skills but not relevant deal experience. What are your suggestions if I want to move into an investment role in PE or other funds?
It will still be tough without any formal deal experience, so you should probably look at doing an internal transfer at your current fund so you can work on deals there first. Once you have some deal experience in private credit, you can use that to interview around for PE roles (potentially). This is not necessarily an easy transition in the U.S., but in Europe, sometimes it’s a bit easier to enter PE without an IB background first.
Was wondering what you think about trying to add diversity points to your resume?
I’m looking to move over to PE in London.
I recently read this article:
… which basically points out that recruiters openly discriminate in favour of minority candidates (literally sometimes saying take only females, etc.). This is not a unique article either. I’ve heard about this discrimination for a while now.
Since I am a straight white male (lucky me, right…), I was thinking about lying on my resume and implying im gay by saying that I attended my uni’s lgbt club (this would be a complete lie but nobody would ever be able to check this in any way).
I’m afraid that there is a small risk with potentially getting a homophobe interviewer at some point in the process which would end up backfiring on me…
But I think with the insane emphasis on being inclusive, it’s worth the risk if I can get tagged with a golden inclusivity aura from the start…
Thoughts on this strategy for London PE?
Other potential strats include wearing a wig and calling myself Jasmine instead of James and/or getting a dark tan and saying im from Morocco xD
I’ll assume you’re joking (as you shouldn’t take anything on eFinancialCareers that seriously), but no, it’s not a good idea to lie about your background to get into the industry, as it could easily backfire. You have to keep in mind that the vast majority of hires are still made because of work experience / university / ability to do the job, even though the news media likes to hype up “diversity” (as they’re always in search of stories, even when highly exaggerated or non-existent).
I AM 26 YEAR OLD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT,WITH 4 YEARS OF ACCOUNTING EXPERINCE. Don’t have any tech skills. But i do invest in stocks(Makes 30% returns average annually).Don’t have an MBA. What are my chances of getting into equity research or prop trading. Or what else do you think fits me better. Stay in accounting or to complete CFA and start some job in finance with high earning potential.
I don’t think you have a great shot at ER if your only work experience is in accounting. You might have a chance at prop trading if you can show evidence of strong performance and you find a firm that doesn’t care about formal credentials.
Thank you for all the work you put, always insightful and useful.