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As is usually the case, everyone wants to talk about Elon Musk and his latest antics – and this time, the antics consist of his…
A long time ago, it didn’t matter that much if you applied for summer internships at the large banks but failed to win a single…
What do a burned-out investment banker, an avid member of r/WallStreetBets, a retired couple in Florida, and Bill Ackman all have in common? They all…
Ask anyone joining a large bank which group they’re most interested in, and consumer retail investment banking is a likely answer. It’s a great place…
Ask any banker interested in hedge funds about the specific strategies they like, and merger arbitrage will usually come up. On paper, it makes sense:…
Ask tech and healthcare bankers and many entrepreneurs what they really want, and they’ll often cite venture capital as their long-term goal. Or, more specifically,…
As investment banking recruitment has moved up earlier – especially in the U.S. – many students “miss” the process or start too late to have…
One of the more controversial industry groups is public finance investment banking. The controversy starts with the name: Is public finance “really” investment banking? Can…
If you want to work in a team that almost no one agrees on, the Financial Sponsors Group (FSG) in investment banking is the perfect…
I entered this year with a simple assumption: “No matter what happens, 2021 cannot possibly be worse than 2020.” But that assumption was shattered within…