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This is a guest post from "DerivsTrading," an experienced options trader who has worked at both bulge-bracket banks and hedge funds in London. He defied…
So, what does it really take to dominate case studies and stock pitches in hedge fund interviews? And how can you move from a specific…
You've just finished investment banking application #57 for this year's recruiting season. It's 3:14 AM, your eyes are glazing over, and you really wish this…
If you’re interested in finance, you probably have a Type A personality: You’re highly competitive; You care a lot about achievement and money; You love…
Tired of submitting your resume into the black hole of online job listings, or blindly emailing all your contacts, and waiting, waiting, waiting… and never…
So, let me take a wild stab at your future career goals here: You want to make a lot of money… And ideally own a…
It’s no secret that I’m borderline obsessed with football. If you’re across the pond, below the Equator, or “down-under,” I’m not talking about the sport…
I have a confession to make: years ago when we first started doing interviews on this site, I never once thought about asking for a…
When I was traveling in Europe a few years ago, everyone thought I was either French or Russian. And, of course, I knew neither language…
If you want to break in and move up the ladder in finance, two of the most important skills will be killing people and selling crystal meth. Dissolving…