Investing Principles: Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Wins, Losses, and Strikeouts

I’ve said before that nothing on this site is meant to be “investment advice.”
That said, my annual investment/market updates always get a lot of traffic, so I thought it might be interesting to follow up on this year’s update with more of an advice article.
If you’re reading this right now, you’re probably much younger than me.
I’ve now been working and investing for ~20 years and have made dozens of mistakes along the way.
I’ve covered some of my business/career learnings in the past, but I haven’t written much about investing outside of these annual updates.
You can think of this article as “What I would tell my 22-year-old self if I could do it all over again.”
I’ll start with the short version and then move into the details:
- The TL;DR Version of My Investing Principles
- Investing Principles: Goals and Why I Don’t Like the “FIRE” Movement
- Investing Principles: Why a High Income Trumps Everything Else
- Investing Principles: Regular Contributions and Reserves
- Investing Principles: Why the Macro Environment Must Factor into Your Allocations
- Investing Principles: Main Quests vs. Side Quests
- Investing Principles: Why Market Timing Used Sparingly Can Work
- The Punchline: Why Investing Principles Matter
The TL;DR Version of My Investing Principles
Let’s go:
- Investing Goals: I believe the main goal of any investment should be to increase your optionality and improve your life. “Retiring early” is an unrealistic and unhealthy goal for most people (yeah, go ahead and hate-post this on the FIRE subreddits).
- Income: Earning a higher income matters more than anything else, especially when you are young. Being in your country’s top ~5% of earners will make a FAR bigger difference than fancy strategies, day trading, or finding the occasional meme coin that goes up by 100x. If your country has no high-paying jobs or makes it difficult to start a business, leave!
- Contributions: Yes, contribute to your investment accounts regularly out of your paychecks or profits, but build a 1-year cash reserve first (you could shorten this if it’s unrealistically high).
- Allocations: If you’re young, you should invest mostly in equities, but I believe gold and silver are often good replacements for fixed income in the traditional 80 / 20 or 60 / 40 portfolios. Also, I recommend putting a small percentage into more speculative bets, such as crypto or tech-heavy indices like the NASDAQ.
- Active Trading: I do not recommend day trading unless it is your full-time job. It’s too difficult to monitor even a few companies, let alone dozens, if you also work full-time.
- Noise and Existential Threats: Ignore all such threats unless they are actionable within the next 12 months. Will AI kill everyone and destroy all jobs? Maybe, but if it does, your investment performance will be the least of your worries because robots will be shooting children with rocket launchers.
- Main Quests and Side Quests: Always focus on your “main story quest,” i.e., your portfolio of liquid, publicly traded assets, and ignore or deprioritize the “side quests,” such as becoming a mini-VC or investing in real estate.
- Market Timing: Almost every expert will tell you it’s impossible to time the market, but I partially disagree. It’s a bad idea to time the market for “big picture” reasons, but it can make sense when done selectively due to very specific catalysts.
So, now for the details.
I will skip a few of these points because I don’t have much to say or add:
Investing Principles: Goals and Why I Don’t Like the “FIRE” Movement
Many people online seem to be obsessed with the “FIRE” (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement and believe that if they can save up $1, $2, or $5 million, they can go to Exotic Location X, live a great life, and never work again.
I don’t think this is a healthy strategy because I don’t believe your life goal should be “early retirement,” and I don’t think most people will ever save this much at a young age – and even if they do, hitting one single number will not instantly change anything for them.
Your goal should be to do something useful and engaging with your life, and your investments should give you more options to accomplish that.
For example, maybe you can afford to take a lower-paying-but-more-interesting job, switch industries, or work part-time because you earn $X from your portfolio.
If you do save up millions by age 35 or 40, it means you probably started a business, worked exceptionally hard, and sold it.
If that’s your personality, could you see yourself retiring? You’ll get bored in about a week.
Investing Principles: Why a High Income Trumps Everything Else
Between 2009 and 2014, I did not have a traditional portfolio via a brokerage firm.
I made a few angel investments, traded crypto, and invested via crowdfunding, but I was paranoid about a market crash + my entire business collapsing at the same time, so I sat on a large cash balance.
Clearly, that was a mistake because the S&P 500 roughly doubled over that period.
But it didn’t matter much because my income increased by more than 6x over that period.
Sure, I should have put some of my excess cash into the stock market, but re-investing a portion into the business paid off because of this 6x increase in income.
Just think about how much you can invest each year if you earn $100K vs. $600K.
Yes, you will spend more money on rent, food, vacations, etc., at $600K, but you’ll also have far more to invest.
This is why I still recommend fields like investment banking and private equity to ambitious students: You want the optionality to earn a high income when you’re young.
If you hate “high finance” and leave, fine – but why rule it out before even trying?
Reaching a high income early in your career is also important because of how compounding works.
If you only reach a level where you can save and invest a lot when you’re 55, it doesn’t matter much since you’ll be close to retirement age anyway.
Investing Principles: Regular Contributions and Reserves
Contributing regularly is very important because markets are unpredictable, so no one ever really knows if they’re buying low or high.
But if you spread your contributions over many decades, you’ll probably be fine even if markets stagnate or return much less than they have historically.
At the very least, you’ll keep earning and re-investing dividends, which adds a small percentage each year.
Regular contributions are also important if you put money into extremely volatile assets, such as Bitcoin:

Yes, I did well with targeted trades, but if I had simply contributed $X per month on autopilot, the results would have been similar with far less stress.
I can’t tell you the exact percentage to contribute each month because this depends on your living expenses, taxes, and other factors, but I would lean toward being more aggressive if you are under the age of 30 and have a 1-year cash reserve built up (i.e., aim to contribute 50%+ of your post-expense-and-tax earnings).
If a 1-year cash reserve is unrealistically high or would take years to reach at your income level, maybe reduce it to 3 – 6 months.
I always needed a higher reserve because I have no family support if things go sideways, but it may be less important if you have plenty of backup plans.
Investing Principles: Why the Macro Environment Must Factor into Your Allocations
Many providers, such as Vanguard and Blackrock, offer “target date funds” that shift their allocations to higher percentages of bonds as you approach retirement.
Meanwhile, famous investors like Ray Dalio have suggested “permanent portfolios” or “all-weather portfolios.”
I think all of these are bad ideas because you should use your brain when picking an allocation, and you can and should change it over time.
Yes, age factors in, but the macro environment is also critical.
As a specific example, I made the unconventional choice to put the “safe” part of my portfolio in gold and silver rather than bonds in 2020.
They have completely trounced corporate and government bonds since then:

This was an obvious and expected result:
- Central banks set interest rates to 0% once COVID hit, so bond yields fell, and prices could only fall.
- Fiscal deficits were exploding, leading to more inflation, which is terrible for bonds.
- And money printing and debt levels took off and never looked back.
I didn’t necessarily think that gold and silver would outperform bonds by nearly ~80%, but I expected some type of premium.
Recommending a specific allocation is tricky because it depends on your income, age, risk tolerance, and the macro environment.
But let’s say that you just finished university and are about to start a job that pays $100K – $150K per year so that you can save a modest amount but not a fortune.
If you have “moderate to high” risk tolerance, I might recommend something like this:
- Equities: 80% (mostly U.S. with a small percentage of international)
- “Safe Portion” (Gold/Silver or Bonds): 10%
- Speculative Bets (Crypto, NASDAQ, Individual Stocks, etc.): 10%
You could argue for adding real estate, REITs, or other commodities to this mix, but I would keep things simple initially.
Investing Principles: Main Quests vs. Side Quests
In video games, there is usually a “main story quest” (e.g., kill the bad guy or defeat the evil empire) and a series of “side quests” with optional content.
Some games do side quests quite well, but many are boring/repetitive and exist to inflate the game’s run time.
In investing, your portfolio of publicly traded assets should be your “main quest,” and everything else should be a mediocre side quest you can ignore.
This includes activities like angel investing, peer-to-peer lending, real estate, becoming a mini-VC, or creating your own meme coins.
Although I never pulled a “Hawk Tuah,” I wasted time and money on these activities long ago.
I recommend ignoring everything here unless it is your full-time job.
At most, put a small percentage into one of these for your “speculative bets” category.
Investing Principles: Why Market Timing Used Sparingly Can Work
I’ll explain this point with a few examples.
“Timing the market” works best when there is a specific hard catalyst with a known time frame.
The perfect example is COVID in the first quarter of 2020.
Anyone paying attention to online news in early 2020 would have known about the impact of this virus in China and how it was set to spread worldwide within a few months.
Based on this, it would have been 100% reasonable to sell a significant percentage of your “risk assets” (i.e., everything but gold and government bonds) in January or February of 2020.
If you got it wrong because nothing happened, you could have bought back in after a few months and taken a modest loss.
But if you were right, you could have bought back in at a 50%+ discount as central banks were starting to intervene.
You wouldn’t have gotten the timing exactly right, but selling everything in February and buying back gradually over the rest of 2020 would have beaten a “hold everything from the start of the year” strategy.
On the other hand, timing the market would not have worked well during 2022 because that was a gradual decline rather than a crash triggered by one specific catalyst.
I made the mistake of attempting to “time it” by buying S&P put options in mid-2020, expecting an eventual 20% market correction.
The S&P fell close to 20% in 2022, but my options had much lower exercise prices based on mid-2020 levels, so they expired worthless in Dec 2022.
So, I agree with the advice to avoid timing the market based on gut feelings or “vibes,” but it can provide a solid boost if very specific conditions are met and you’re willing to take the risk.
The Punchline: Why Investing Principles Matter
If you’re much younger than me, I hope you’ll learn from my mistakes and start on the right track as you begin working.
Real-life friends often ask why I’m still working or why I don’t quit to trade full-time.
There are a few explanations, including some rather personal ones that get into family issues and a slew of “potential unfunded liabilities.”
But the biggest factor is that I was not aggressive or consistent enough with investing.
I’d be in a much stronger position today if I had simply contributed X% each month consistently to my brokerage accounts since 2010.
I don’t think I would “retire” for the reasons outlined above, but I would feel more comfortable switching to part-time work rather than sitting in front of a computer for 18 hours per day.
In other words, I would have more options and a better life – which should be the main reasons to invest in anything.
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Great call on the gold/silver trade. I wish I had been paying attention because it was SUPER obvious in retrospect.
What do you think about Canadian metals and mining investing over the next decade? Tensions with China, more stuff produced locally, jobs programs, etc.
Thanks. I don’t follow Canadian mining closely enough to offer a real opinion. But in general, I don’t like to invest in mining producers because they don’t necessarily benefit from the same trends as the underlying commodity. “Inflation” can actually hurt them because it means that production costs could rise faster than commodity prices. Miners have also been quite bad at capital allocation and useful acquisitions historically. There might still be some solid companies out there, but not sure I would bet on the entire sector.
Hi Brian,
Thanks for your insights! They are very helpful. I currently manage approximately $5 million on behalf of my parents, who do not plan to use these funds for the next 5–10 years. They have other sources of income to cover daily expenses. My goal is to maximize returns for both them and myself, as I am their only child. How would you recommend allocating these assets?
Additionally, you mentioned that NASDAQ is a speculative bet. However, isn’t the NASDAQ Composite, like QQQ, also tracking an index—just with slightly higher risk? What specifically makes it a speculative bet? For context, I am 22 years old and will be starting in investment banking at a bulge bracket firm. Given that my parents are in their 50s, how should I structure this $5 million portfolio to balance their financial security with long-term growth for my own future? Looking forward to your thoughts.
Honestly, you shouldn’t be asking random people on the internet (me) how to manage $5 million for your parents. This is the sort of question you’d have to ask of a financial advisor in real life who knows your family’s full situation, constraints, goals, etc.
The tips and advice shared here do not apply that well in your case because this article is for students and professionals who are just starting out and are investing their own savings. Things change when you already have significant assets, have worked for decades, and are close to retirement. So before I could even answer your question or suggest something – which I would not feel comfortable doing since I’m not a licensed advisor – I would need a lot more information.
The NASDAQ is speculative in the sense that it’s more volatile than an index like the S&P 500 (see:, with higher highs and lower lows. But you are correct that it’s still an index, so it’s still much less risky than betting on specific companies. I was giving that as an example of where you could place a small percentage of your capital if you want something that is more speculative than the S&P or a Total Market Index but also less risky than crypto or directly investing in individual companies.
Thank you for the insights. I started to increase my emergency fund as a result :)
On a very different note how likely would it be for “AI” to replace jobs? I have been an Engineer at FAANG for 3 years and this is probably my biggest source of anxiety. I understand you may not be source of truth for technical questions but I value your hindsight and overall realistic approach to how companies and jobs function.
I think the problem with all of these “influencers” saying that AI will replace all jobs is that if you take that line of thinking to its limit, the entire economy collapses and everyone dies. Unemployment rate reaches 99% –> Humans have no money so they cannot buy anything –> Companies cannot earn revenue so they must shut down –> Companies can no longer afford to pay for robots or AI to do the work –> Robots and AI no longer have power and must shut down, and humans no longer have food and die.
So, I put this in the same category as “zombie apocalypse” scenarios. Yes, it’s possible, but if it happens, savings/investing/etc. do not matter because we’ll all be dead.
The more likely scenario is that it just gets easier to do more with less, which means more difficult hiring at the big tech companies but possibly more jobs at smaller/mid-sized companies that can now afford tech projects.
The problem is that no one knows if added jobs in some sectors / certain company sizes will offset the loss in jobs and added “efficiencies” at the biggest firms.
Curious about why you said “hold off on REITs initially” as I was thinking about dipping my toes in it – from what i’ve read online, REITs provide better returns than the S&P 500? Also what’s your opinion on dividend stocks or ETFs focused on investing in dividend stocks?
I don’t think you need to hold off on REITs, but I also don’t think they’re necessary when starting out. In practice, REITs follow the overall market more than the property market (, so I don’t think there’s a huge advantage over the long term in using them. You can pick a different time period and get different results, but REITs have underperformed the S&P over the past 5-10 years.
Dividend stocks should be maybe a small percentage of total equities when you are starting out. They tend to have lower price-appreciation potential than other stocks, so while you may like the income stream, you are likely giving up future potential returns. They’re better for people who are closer to retirement or in retirement and want to shift to more of an income approach.
So would they be a good hedge for the stock market then, rather than bonds which have much lower returns?
People invest in bonds for the safety factor rather than trying to make outsized returns, so would it not be better to invest in REITs rather than bonds, if they provide higher returns and still provide a degree of safety during stock market downturns?
The problem is that this claim is not true if you look at REIT indices and ETFs: –> “Annual Total Return (%) History”
The REIT index was down in 2022, down in 2018, and down in 2008… just like the stock market. Oh, and it was also down in 2020 and underperformed massively in 2023 – 2024. It performed differently than the S&P in positive years for both, which adds something, but I don’t think this claim that REITs provide “a degree of safety” is true if you look at the numbers over the past 20 years.
Very interesting and insightful take! Basically, consistency and being level-headed (depends on risk-tolerance of course) can be the best strategy over the long run time horizon.
Thanks! Yes, exactly. I think you can deviate from always following the same plan each year, but you have to be very disciplined (e.g., say that if you’re down by X% after Y months, you’re going to cut your losses and go back to the original plan).
I’m very skeptical of anyone who claims to have made a lot of money consistently from trading individual stocks while working full-time. Maybe it happens, but my experience is that it’s almost impossible outside of very lucky bets that happen to offset all losses.