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There’s plenty of information online about case studies in finance interviews (IB, PE, etc.), but the venture capital case study remains a bit mysterious. Depending…
If you want to find investment banking league tables, it’s easy: Google the term and add a specific region, industry, or year you’re interested in:…
Investment banking in Dubai stands out for attracting remarkable hype on social media. You’ll find influencers on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and other sites constantly praising…
Succession just ended a few days ago. When a top TV show ends, it is sad. All our favorite shows will end one day. In…
“Event-driven hedge funds” is one of the more confusing labels in finance. Part of the issue is that many different strategies fall within the “event-driven”…
I’ve found that two main groups care about investment banking in Singapore: Students who are from Southeast Asia and are considering whether they want to…
Metals & mining investment banking used to be a “sleepy” group. Many people viewed the sector as a short, poorly dressed cousin of oil &…
When you ask most people about their "career goals," they sound something like this: Make a lot of money or gain power/prestige. Take little-to-no risk.…
The buy-side vs. sell-side distinction/debate is interesting because it happens on the internet and in real life. With other topics – such as “target schools”…
When it comes to investment banking in Australia, it’s easy to find complaints online. These complaints center on a few aspects of the banking industry…